This hike seems like ages ago, I'm behind on posts... In reality It was just a few days ago.
The hike was amazing, legs getting stronger for all of us. hiking with Abe
And Jaque made for a good time. 1st night we camped at Pipe Gate #4 @ mile 94.
All was good in the evening, even had cell reception, but after 10pm the wind hit us hard and it was anouther rough night under the stars. In the AM we all wanted out and ran for Warner springs (15 miles)
About a 1/3 rd of the way to Warner Springs, was mile 100, a mile stone for everyone!
Abe and I hiked on and got the miles done reaching Warner Springs by noon
Eagle rock was a goal for both of us
Warner Springs community Center... Awesome! The trail magic from all the volunteer workers there + Glide On throwing down some chilli dogs & beer for us all that evening. Made Warner Springs a great memory.
2 days prior; Travis and his crew took showers at our place in Julian, in the confusion Travis left his alt clothing bag at the hotel. we ran around town looking for him and his crew but they had all ready left for Warner Springs. So the next morning I did the right thing and added his bag to my allready water ladened bag and hiked it to Warner Springs as I delivered the package To Travis I said "Fed Ex has arrived" ... The name stuck. The next morning as we hiked out of Warner Travis made it official saying see ya down the road "Fed X"...
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